It's not long now

Little one, it’s not long now.⠀

I know I haven’t been resting enough, or taking long baths whenever I feel the need, or whispering to you as much as I would like. ⠀

You must wonder if I care sometimes.⠀

I do, I absolutely do.⠀

It’s just I have been caught up chasing your older sister around, spending late nights trying to settle her and answering her with my whispers.⠀

She needs me in a different way, a way you will need me one day too. ⠀

Little one, it’s not long now. ⠀

I know I don’t take too many bump photos, have your nursery completely set up or my hospital bag packed just yet.⠀

You must wonder if I have forgotten about you sometimes.⠀

I haven’t, I absolutely have not. ⠀

It’s just that I’m more experienced now. I still look at you in the mirror every day and smile. My hospital bag and your nursery will be ready in time, I promise. ⠀

Little one, it’s not long now.⠀

I know I don’t always eat the most nourishing of foods, drink enough water, or exercise as much as recommended. ⠀

You must wonder if I want to give you the best sometimes.⠀

I do, I absolutely do.⠀

It’s just my body and mind are more tired this time, as they’re being pulled between you and your sister, but I am trying to do my best for you every single day. Please know I’m trying my best. ⠀

Little one, it’s not long now.⠀

I know I can be riddled with mixed emotions some days, and there can be no predicting the conditions. I know you will feel this too. ⠀

You must wonder if I’m ok sometimes.

I am. I absolutely am. ⠀

It’s just my body is going through a lot right now and my mind sometimes doesn’t understand this. It’s not your fault, none of it. ⠀

Little one, it’s not long now.⠀

I know this hasn’t always been the easiest ride for us. ⠀

You must wonder a lot.⠀

But please don’t.⠀

To me you are perfect and part of my everything already.⠀

I cannot wait to meet you soon little one.⠀

It’s not long now.⠀